Article by Joe Emenheiser, Ph.D.

Meat quality improvement can improve economic development for Connecticut livestock producers. Ultrasound technology can evaluate body composition traits in livestock. This means livestock producers can check meat qualities in live animals. It leads to better livestock selection and breeding decisions.
A three-year grant project on Beef x dairy crossbreeding is improving growth and carcass composition. Dairy farms are using more beef x dairy crossbreeding because of milk price volatility and decreased value of replacement dairy heifers. Beef prices and demand are also strong. Although beef x dairy crossbreeding is not new, we have not studied many aspects with modern genetics. Our team is looking at the effects and economics of different management practices.
We ultrasound UConn beef x dairy calves monthly. Then, we evaluate the effects of different nutrition protocols. This includes body composition development measurements, such as fat thickness, loin muscle size, and percentage intramuscular fat (marbling). Our team considers this information along with data on calf performance, carcass value, and cost of production. It informs Extension programming and recommendations for livestock producers. We also work with meat livestock producers to increase the use of ultrasound technology in on-farm decision making.
Northeast SARE funds Nutritional Management Strategies for Improving Growth and Carcass Composition of Beef-Dairy Crossbred Calves. Collaborators are Drs. Sarah Reed, Kristen Govoni, and Steve Zinn from the UConn Animal Science Department and Dr. Tara Felix from Penn State University.