Northeast SARE

Tri-State SARE Professional Development Project

This collaboration among the Universities of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island helps farmers and the professionals who work with them learn more about raising healthy animals and the development & sustainable use of pasture.

SARE: Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

This is what we are doing right now:

Workshops, in person and online, offer the latest information in the field, and opportunities to discuss with others the realities of putting sustainable agriculture into practice.

Workshops in 2024-2026 will address economics, pasture resiliency and animal productivity in pasture based systems. Workshops over the last three years addressed nutrient management within a pasture system tying it back to the soil health perspective taught previously. This project taught participants how to write a grazing plan and how to develop and manage soils in their pasture. Hands-on field workshops have illustrated the value of healthy soil and the management practices farmers can implement on their land.

RESOURCES below include all of the information presented in past workshops. VIDEOS include the complete workshop presentations as well as hands on videos from the field.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) offers farmer-driven, grassroots grants and education programs. Since 1988, SARE grantees have been putting the principles of sustainable agriculture into practice throughout the nation.

For over 14 years we have offered webinars, in-person workshops, and livestock education for service providers and farmers. Programming focuses on raising healthy animals and the development & sustainable use of pasture. The 2023-26 project will continue to cover topics of interest to service providers and farmers.

Our Team

Rachel Bespuda – Tri-State Project Director

Rachel Bespuda

Tri-State Project Director

Contact Rachel for inquiries regarding the Tri-State SARE Project:

Phone: (203) 407 3172

Jean C. King – Tri-State SARE Project Facilitator

Jean C. King

Tri-State SARE Project Facilitator

Contact Jean for questions regarding registration for the Tri-State SARE programming:

Joe Bonelli – CT SARE State Coordinator

Joe Bonelli

CT SARE State Coordinator, Principal Investigator

Contact Joe for inquires about SARE grant opportunities in Connecticut:

Phone: (860) 875- 3331

Fax: (860) 875 0220

Clem Clay – MA SARE State Coordinator

Clem Clay

MA SARE State Coordinator

Contact Clem for inquiries about SARE grant opportunities in Massachusetts:

Phone: (413) 545 5021

Keiddy Urrea-Morawicki – RI SARE State Coordinator

Keiddy Urrea-Morawicki

RI State SARE Coordinator

Contact Keiddy for inquiries about SARE grant opportunities in Rhode Island:

“This material is based upon work supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, through the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number SNE20-001-CT-34268 .”